MIDWAY — While many of us are getting ready for extra visitors this time of year, chances are they are not strangers. Holly Zenger doesn’t mind, though, because she wants strangers to visit her.

For 37 years, she has been decorating nearly every room of her Midway home with nativity scenes from around the world. There are wooden pieces and metal pieces, even a modern piece with Joseph taking a selfie with Baby Jesus, and a simple Alaskan piece that is Zenger’s favorite.

Yet instead of keeping the thousands of individual pieces all to herself and her family, she wants to share them with as many people as possible.

For many families, it has become a Christmas tradition to visit her home — maybe it’s because you can feel all the problems of the world just melt away even if just for an hour or so.

“It humbles me,” said Zenger. “It humbles me because people are nice and so kind, and I just feel like it is a wonderful thing to do.”

If you would like to visit Zenger’s home, she will open it to the public for the next three Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, from 1 p.m. to 7 p.m. She just asks that you send her an email to zengercreche@gmail.com so she knows when you are coming.

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